The Paragon Protocol


The integration of art and science in developing beautiful natural full hairlines with an emphasis on balancing facial features.


Bio-enhanced robotic FUE hair restoration using advanced holding solutions including specialized tools developed by masters in the field to maximize results from the hair procedures.


Implementing hair loss prevention methods to stabilize hair loss through the use of prescription level minoxidil, platelet rich plasma injections and low level light therapy.

Meet Dr. Mark Bishara

Dr. Mark Bishara is proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive hair restoration procedures.  Paragon brings Dr. Bishara’s experience and latest in technology to the Dallas / Fort Worth area.  The best treatment option for each patient depends on the location and extent of hair loss.   We take the time to evaluate each patient, discuss his/her individual goals and together develop a personalized treatment plan using one of his many successful hair loss treatment options.  Dr. Bishara is board certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and a worldwide leader in bio-enhanced robotic hair restoration.

Hair Transplants

Hair loss is a condition that occurs as a result of a side-effect of medication, aging, genetics, and traumatic injury to the scalp with scarring. Hair loss affects both men and women of all ages. This condition may cause pattern baldness, patchy spots or thinned hair. Most people are troubled by this undesired change to their appearance and may be frustrated with the lack of effective treatments widely available.

Fortunately, there are several treatments available to help promote hair growth or restore hair loss.  These treatments are minimally invasive and affordable, and allow patients to enjoy a renewed confidence as thick, full and beautiful hair is restored.  Hair loss treatment includes topical and/or oral medications, laser cap therapy, and robotic transplantation here at our Dallas, Texas area clinics.

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“The followup care, the phone calls, ensuring everything is going well. I CAN’T IMAGINE GOING TO ANYONE ELSE to have this done.”

Dr. Matthew Cerniglia

“When I first heard about the robot, and realized the margin for error is so low, IT REALLY PUT MY MIND AT EASE.”

R.J. Choppy

Find out if you are a candidate for Bio-Enhanced Robotic Hair Restoration.

Book your consult today!

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